It is improtant to recognize that STRESS is a normal and inevitable part of the JOB Hunting Process. The job Hunting leads to many opportunites and rewards. However, during the job hunting process, the STRESS is created by, following reasons : Financial UNCERTAINTY. Increased INTERACTIONS with new people. Uncertain DIRECTION. Additional demands on TIME. Feelings of ISOLATION. A sense of Lack of CONTROL. Anxiety about the FUTURE. Change in ROUTINE. The stress of the Job Hunting cannot be avoided,however it can be MANAGED. Here are some of the major techniques to manage the stress and actively use them during your job serach too :) so that you can diminish the negative effects oof the STRESS. Exercise regularly. Involve Family & friends. Avoid isolation. Use support networks. Take a Pro-active approach. Eat a balanced Diet. Keep a regular Schedule. Get adequate rest. Set Reallistic Goals. Learn to Prioritize. Use Relaxation Techniques ( Your most liked hobbies, ...
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