According to the World Bank about three quarters of people on the planet now use a cell phone. So they must be safe, right? Wrong Most people have some notion that cell phones communicate with one another and with cell phone towers by emitting and receiving radiation; radio frequency radiation to be more precise. What is less clear is just how dangerous this radiation is. More to the point, can it cause cancer ? Medpagetoday recently published this headline, Cell Phone Radiation Unlikely to Cause Cancer. Wow so after after decades of debate and millions if not billions spent on research, the truth has finally been uncovered? $25 million Cell Phone Radiation Study Finds A Cancer Link What prompted Medpagetoday to publish their article was publication of final data from the U.S National Toxicology Program (NTP) study a few days previously. The NTP study was carried out to evaluate the potential health risks of cell phone r...
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