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Showing posts from March 24, 2017

**** Few things we should never do in an Interview or a Meeting *****

Hey Gang , now it's time for few interview tips !! More than tips , it's like what not to do or what usually people don't like you doing in interviews. If there are some more, let me know, will check and add to my points :) Let's start !!!! Our major issue is that when we worry so much about making sure every little thing goes right !!! we always tend to miss few things that could go wrong. Maybe we can quickly look into the below stuffs, and tend to stop doing them knowingly in our future Interviews 😇😇😇😇😇 Best of luck Gang!!! Never Be Late to the Interviews or any meetings !!!  Not just Interviews , however try to make sure that we are not late to any committed meetings, so that we don't lose our confidence or the opponent's opinion on us. Also, turning up late to an interview is never an option. It only leaves you looking unprofessional and unorganised. Plan your meeting or Interview , such a way that we reach extra half an hour to the venue. Silent y...