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Showing posts from November 15, 2010

Collecting Antiques

Collecting antiques can be fun and interesting. It is a hobby enjoyed by many world over. You can collect anything starting right from old bottles, coins, notes, magazines, jewellery, caps, and cans. Being an antique collector is exciting as one can even show others what he or she has collected. How do you start collecting? The most important question that comes to ones' mind is what to collect? You can start collecting things which you love most. Some might choose fancy perfume bottles while others might choose jewellery. It depends entirely upon your taste and choice. The fun starts after you have decided what to collect. You will see yourself keeping a discerning eye on things around you and especially if you pass a antique shop! Tips on antique collection: Collecting antiques is half the fun. Displaying your antiques is an equally engrossing task. If you want to use an entire room to display your antiques then make sure that you have antique furniture as w...

Aquarium Keeping

Aquarium Keeping is a favorite hobby among many individuals especially among children. If you are fond of little moving creatures like fish and watch them play, feed and grow, then aquarium keeping is a wonderful option. You can watch them grow from the comforts of your living room. Aquarium keeping as a hobby is fast increasing. Many young enthusiasts have taken up this hobby. Not only does an aquarium beautify your drawing room but at the same time can be your best companion. Staying in a big city or town at times deprives you of nature. An aquarium at home helps in bringing nature close to you. However, you must have the correct knowledge of aquarium keeping or else your fish might not stay healthy enough for a long time. Temperature: The temperature of the water is extremely important. Most tropical aquariums do best with temperatures ranging from 23 to 28 degrees Celsius (73-82 degrees Fahrenheit). Lighting: The type pf lighting depends upon the kind of animal...