A popular area to target, the sheer scope of personal finance can overwhelm those with good intentions. However, even if you struggle to keep your resolutions, research shows steady commitment can yield powerful results. To make this year one for the financial record books, take these six New Year’s resolutions as your starting point. 1. Lower Debt !!! Debt provides one of the most pernicious stumbling blocks for personal finance. Regardless of how much we plan and save, debt payments can cripple finances and make it difficult to get ahead. Before you can truly reinvent your financial situation, you must come to terms with your debt load. It’s often impractical to tell yourself you will pay off all your debt. Instead, create a plan to lessen the burden and pay it off steadily over time. Look at your interest rates, and determine which debt costs you the most money on a monthly basis. 2. Increase Savings !!! Once you’ve created a plan for your current debt, the next step is to ram...
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