Germany is a highly industrialized country. Many will assume its people lead a luxurious life. When we arrived at Hamburg , my colleagues walked into the restaurant. We noticed that most of the tables were empty. There was a table where a young couple was having their meal. There were only two dishes and two cans of beer on the table. I wondered if such simple meal could be romantic and whether the girl will leave this stingy guy. There were a few old ladies in another table. When a dish was served, the waiter would distribute the food for them, and they would finish every bit of the food on their plate. We were all very hungry, our local colleague ordered food for us in excess of what we could eat. When we left, there was still about one third of un-consumed food on the table. As we were leaving the restaurant, the old ladies spoke to us in English. We understood that they were unhappy about us wasting so much food. "We paid for our food, it is none of yo...
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