Today I would like to share the super healing power of Grapes. Grapes are rich in dietary fibers and are loaded with anti-oxidants. They prevent anemia, induces appetite, strengthens bone marrow, helps in cells rejuvenation, gout, allergies, cystitis etc. Based on the taste of Grapes, its medicinal property will vary a little. Sour grapes increases Kapha (Earth & Water elements) and Pitta (Fire & Water) but reduces Vata (Air & Space) disorders such as bloating, constipation, paralysis etc. In moderate amount with spices like cardamom and ginger, even kapha people can enjoy sour grapes. Sweet grapes supports Vata and Pitta and are used in treating bleeding disorders, excessive thirst, burning sensations, tuberculosis, jaundice, liver diseases, giddiness, asthma etc. These are best coolant. Some more benefits are listed below. Fresh Grapes Anti-inflammatory Anti-cancerous Brain tonic Heart tonic Strengthens muscles Diur...
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