Electromagnetic waves at low frequencies are referred to as electromagnetic fields (EMF) and those at very high frequency are called electromagnetic radiations (EMR). The toxicity generated or created due to the exposure to EMF and EMR disturbs the Nadis (vibrational channels) that carry and circulate prana in the body. Next to Ama (undigested food), Ama Visha (acidic toxins) and Garavisha (Chemical toxicity due to pesticides, preservative, medicines etc), EMF toxicity slowly affects the immune system and becomes a root cause for several autoimmune disorders.
Even our memory has gone down after the usage of mobile phones. Gadget dependency has increased. Remembering 20-30 telephone numbers were not a big deal before mobile phones. But now, we automatically get help from our mobile phones even to remind us about our close friends' birthday. Lot of children are suffering from memory issues. They don't have any problem in figuring out how to win a video game but in real situations, they struggle a lot.
A simple 30 minutes of screen time for our kids can adversely affect their health even though we might not notice a huge effect in just one day. Staying away from EMF toxicity is the most important lifestyle change to be done in order to cure any disease (for all ages). Certain radiation exposure are inevitable but there are several things that are easy to avoid.
For example:
** Switching off the Wi-fi at night
** Stop using electronics before 2 hours of bedtime
** Avoiding electronics for entertainment purpose
** Not keeping our cell phones in the bed room at night
** Placing laptops on a desk instead of our lap
Sharing these articles just to show how EMF toxicity affects our health.
Even our memory has gone down after the usage of mobile phones. Gadget dependency has increased. Remembering 20-30 telephone numbers were not a big deal before mobile phones. But now, we automatically get help from our mobile phones even to remind us about our close friends' birthday. Lot of children are suffering from memory issues. They don't have any problem in figuring out how to win a video game but in real situations, they struggle a lot.
A simple 30 minutes of screen time for our kids can adversely affect their health even though we might not notice a huge effect in just one day. Staying away from EMF toxicity is the most important lifestyle change to be done in order to cure any disease (for all ages). Certain radiation exposure are inevitable but there are several things that are easy to avoid.
For example:
** Switching off the Wi-fi at night
** Stop using electronics before 2 hours of bedtime
** Avoiding electronics for entertainment purpose
** Not keeping our cell phones in the bed room at night
** Placing laptops on a desk instead of our lap
Sharing these articles just to show how EMF toxicity affects our health.
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